Data Art: Encode Data Journeys opening night


Together with the Outliers in Data Design, and the Encode, we're bringing together various communities in an evening that will surely blow your mind. TO ATTEND THIS EVENT, PLEASE GET YOUR FREE TICKET ON EVENTBRITE AT YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET IN WITHOUT THE EVENTBRITE TICKET. Curated by Outliers in Data Design – a group for women and other under-represented voices working at the intersection of data and design and co-hosted by the popular meet-up Visualising Data London, the evening will present the work of two incredible artists Rachel Ara and Julie Freeman. They will talk about Data Art, with a special agenda focusing on inclusivity and diversity. The audience will have the chance to ask questions to two renowned artists, while networking over pizza and beer!

Rachel Ara

With over 25 years’ experience in the tech industry and also as trained cabinet maker Ara creates powerful and complex physical sculptures exploring the relationships between gender and technology. She is currently showing at the V&A and the Vienna Biennial. / @rachelara

Julie Freeman

Julie Freeman is an artist who translates data from the living world into kinetic sculptures, sound compositions and graphic animations. She collaborates across disciplines to explore our relationship with science, technology and the living world. / @joz_freemanWe'll be opening doors at 7:00 pm with the talks starting at 7:30 pm. The event is happening in Shoreditch, at Microsoft Reactor at 70 Wilson St, London EC2A 2DB. The entrance to the venue is at the corner of Dysart St and Wilson St.Encode is offering the community a 15% discount on all tickets for the Encode: Data journeys conference. Just put the promo code VIZDATA19 or use this link to access the discount on Eventbrite.Please review the emergency information for the venue which you can find at The space is fully accessible. Should you need any assistance, please get in touch with the venue at

For any questions, thoughts or suggestions, please contact